Thermal insulating fire resistant glazing systems tapes
Made from alkaline fibers, Superwool fibers are incombustible and soluble in physiological solutions. Thanks to their compressibility, superwool papers and blankets insures a very good fire and smoke thightess.
SUPERWOOL® paper is an excellent thermal insulator with low thickness. It is easy to use and has high resistance to tearing. SUPERWOOL® paper is not toxic it's a replacement product for ceramic fibres. Classified as non-combustible material SUPERWOOL® paper has classification temperature 1200°C.
Examples of applications for thermal insulating paper SUPERWOOL®: non-combustible backing material for seals on fire resistant glazing systems.,seals and protection in fire resistant equipment (doors, dampers etc.), protection of lock casings, door closers, panic bars, thermal and acoustic shields (lift doors, transport, marine etc.).